Button diagram of a Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator
Introducing Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator and its programming capabilities
Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator is a pretty cheap, compact, simple, and usefull scientific calculator. For sure, Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, will be able to solve three unknown equations by solving a three-by-three matrix, a quadratic equation, a third degree equation, a complex matrix determinant, after entering our applications provided on the Ciciyan Electronic website. Solve the equivalent value of two parallel resistors or two serie capacitors, regression calculations, conversions of polar numbers to Cartesian and vice versa, the sum of three complex numbers with polar representation, area of different kind of triangle types, third triangle length calculations and other complex calculations, as fast as possible for you.
As you may know, a large number of iterative calculations are needed to solve matrices, regression, quadratic equations, cubic equations, complex matcices calculations, and so on.
Manually calculating these issues, obviously increases the probability of error during the calculations by human, through a pen and paper.
Hence, a memory contained programmable engineering calculator, such as the programmed Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator , is required to be able to perform calculations without error and in the shortest possible time and display the result.
Since engineering sciences are so advanced and have different computational needs, the
Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator
is designed to solve such a challenge, with its great programmability and flexibility, helping students and engineers in a variety of disciplines such as Electrical, Electronics, Telecommunications, Civil and Construction, Chemistry, Architecture, Biology, Fluid and Solid Mechanics, Applied Design Engineering, Petroleum, Mathematics, and Other Engineering disciplines, for both solving examinations and solving engineering jobs related issues like computational tasks Occupations.
The recommendation of
Ciciyan Electronic website
is the
Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator
, which is a very efficient, well-known, full-featured, programmable and pretty small handy model from Casio.
Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator
displays the results of its calculations on a two-row LCD, the top row is a dot matrix, and the bottom row is an seven segment english numeric type.
Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator
has two identical button batteries for more durability.
Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator
is efficient and can be a loyal friend in solving any engineering problem, whether in the job or in the exam.
Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator
dimensions, is 9.2mm × 72mm × 140.5mm and weights 90 grams , truely is suitable for your engineering needs.
as you see the diagram of
Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator
uses a small screen with liquid crystal technology and a two-line dot matrix and seven segment that displays up to 12 digits.
This two-line screen is able to display the formulas with the obtained answer simultaneously and simplifies the calculation process.
It has plastic buttons that may look loose at the first glance after you get it. But the buttons work very smooth and a little pressure is pretty enough for these buttons to work. The colors of the keys are grouped, so that they can be easily separated by the user.
Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator
is powered by a couple of CR2032 coin lithium batteries, and its protective case protects it from being hit by sharp objects such as pencils and pens, when its located right aside them in a bag. furthermore
Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator has a timer to prevent battery discharge, on a user fault , to forget turn calculator off, after a use. it has a seven minutes shutdown time. pressing any key on
Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator
resets its timer for another seven minutes to prevent it from draining its batteries.
To see Ciciyan Electronic website tutorial video about how to program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator through Ciciyan Electronic website online software , click
The memory of
Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator
can store several programs
including 1103 steps of program, with 26 to 163 variables at the same memory capacity.
The ability to review or reply
programs on the
Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator ,
allows you to follow the computational flow in long and complex computational processes and programs.
This means that with this feature, you can go back or forward in several steps in your calculations and check the steps to make sure the calculations are done correctly.
Other features of
Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator are
include 242 powerful pre-built functions such as:
mathematical constant values such as π number, decimal and integral calculations by Simpson method, hyperbolic functions, trigonometric functions, automatic derivative calculation, percentage calculation, conversion of polar coordinates to Cartesian, calculation in degree units, radians and gradients, random number production function, calculation,
also, calculating the total value, inverse hyperbolic functions, inverse trigonometric functions, and many other useful functions.
Ciciyan Electronic website
program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator
with some applications
to make it able to solve complicated heavy and complex quandaries in engineering, to make you able to use it better and easier on moot points.
solve the quadratic equations
Ax2+Bx+C=0 ,
solve the determinants of the 3×3 phasor matrix, which each of its components has an angle like this
solve cubic equations with Cardano-Lagrange method or Newton-Raphson numerical method
Ax3+Bx2+Cx+D=0 ,
conversion of polar numbers to Cartesian, addition of three complex numbers with polar representation, calculation of area of all triangle types
calculation of third side length Trigonometry, based on the lengths of two known sides and the angle between them ,
, total resistance of two parallel resistors
, And other programs for Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator that are only available at Ciciyan Electronic website.
there is NO other website to be authorized to distribute Ciciyan Electronic website programs for Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. so, EVERY KIND OF COPY, BROADCAST, REBUILD, MANIPULATE OR DISTRIBUTING Ciciyan Electronic website programs for Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator is a
, and its FORBIDEN and will end to a petition against them acording to copyright laws.
Therefore, instead of copying and publishing the content itself, it is better to publish the link of this page of Ciciyan Electronic website and introduce Ciciyan Electronic website programs for Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator to your friends.
Here comes program list of Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator offered in Ciciyan Electronic website :
When you buy a Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator , its memory is pretty empty, and does not any of mentioned issues and does not solve a square equation or a cubic equation or matrice for you, which is listed in this
Casio fx-4500PA calculator's programs table. you would program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator to make it able to handle the job. after program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator , it will solve matrices, square equations, cubic equations, imaginary numbers conversion, area of different triangles, total resistor of two parallel resistors or total capacitance of two capacitors, and more for you. so, lets get started and enter our first program into your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator which is a program so calculate total resistor of two parallel resistors. Ciciyan Electronic website has designed a robust online software, which contains many programs for Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator all in one, no need to install on your devices, runs on all kind of devices over your web browser, no matter which kind of operation systems you use over your device, runs just by clicking
here. there is a form that you must fill up. also, before that, you may choose which program you need to enter in your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator by looking up in
Casio fx-4500PA calculator's programs table. by using Ciciyan Electronic website online software
, it is VERY easy, to program and enter most complicated programs, into your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. just choose your desired program from the drop down menu, at the end of the form, in
Casio fx-4500PA calculator's programs here, then enter the code given to you through Ciciyan Electronic website Email, and then follow steps, that
Casio fx-4500PA calculator's programs online software will show you, and press every key of your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, that Ciciyan Electronic website online software asks you to press it. after some couple of minutes, your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator is ready to solve it for you. by entering Ciciyan Electronic website's programs in your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator , it will be very easy to solve a cubic equation, or square equation, or matrices, or triagnle area, polar number calculations and more, with a Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. solving a cubic equation with Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator will take just 4 seconds. solving a square equation with Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, or solving a 3 by 3 matrice with Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator takes just 3 or 2 seconds, up to the numbers entered to program of Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. since Ciciyan Electronic website's online softwares, made it very easy to program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, EVEN a TEN YEARS OLD KID can program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator through, and run or test them, as easy as a computer video game.
Ok. if you need any of
Ciciyan Electronic website programs for your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator , you must purchase it, or buy all of Ciciyan Electronic website programs for Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. afterward, Ciciyan Electronic website gives you a password or entering code, to make you able to use Ciciyan Electronic website online software once, to program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. the passcode or password will be ceded to you, and only you, for only one Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. if you need to use it to program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator more than once, or use it multiple times to program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator or use it for more than one Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, indeed a wroten authorization from Ciciyan Electronic website is needed. To purchase all, one, or some couple of Ciciyan Electronic website programs for Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, you must pay mentioned prices of
this program list to Ciciyan Electronic website representatives in Canada or Germany. after his acknowledge, a pass code for you, will be produced then cede to you throgh representative or Email. Then you may simply click
here to enter Ciciyan Electronic website online software to program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. These programs are offered very cheap. paying for all of them, contains discount. After sending pass code to you through Email or phone call, its valid for a 48 hours to 72 hours, while entering most complicated programs in Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, needs just minutes to half an hour. If you have not used it within this period of time, passcode will void, but don't be worry, because Ciciyan Electronic website will activate it again for you, if you contact us and ask for re-activate voided passcode, through an Email or a phone call. Ciciyan Electronic website will answer your Emails within first opportunity.
There is another point you should know about
online software for program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator in Ciciyan Electronic website. NO SIGN UP NEEDED TO USE OUR SOFTWARE. Ciciyan Electronic website DOES NOT COLLECT YOUR INFORMATION AND DOES NOT COMPARE USER NAME AND OTHER DATA FILLED IN THIS FORM. so, you may enter a NONE REAL name and information to program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator through Ciciyan Electronic website online software.Also there is another way to buy passcode to program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator through Ciciyan Electronic website online software : Get in most near exchange center which is able to transfer and able to pay money in Iran. ask them to transfer the amount of money for all programs of Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator to Ciciyan Electronic website and then we will create a passcode specially for you to make you able program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, and then we will send it to you through an Email or phone call, if you contact us after payment. otherwise, you can send a scan of receipt or picture of receipt from exchang center to Ciciyan Electronic website. in this case, exporting and sending passcode to you, may take a 24 to 72 hours of time. you may pay mentioned prices in
this list, plus exchange fees, but you would better to know that Ciciyan Electronic website gets JUST programs fees and we pay tax. so you don't need pay tax. exchange fee and transfer fee is up to the exchange center, and Ciciyan Electronic website does't define it.
If you got any question, click
here to see frequently asked questions page of Ciciyan Electronic website. We already answered many questions and they are broadcasted in that page. some of users questions, are just because they does not know precision math behind formulas and or usual shape of answer for that kind of equations or lack of math knowledge. But we explained and answered questions, as accurate as possible in that page, and will continue. so, DON'T HESSITATE TO ASK YOUR QUESTIONS. send us your questions to Ciciyan Electronic website Email. we will answer it at the first opportunity, and may broadcast new questions and answer at
this frequently asked questions page, later.
program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator RIGHT NOW
Furthermore, Ciciyan Electronic website has made one of these programs TOTALY free of pay, to let you know how Ciciyan Electronic website online software works and how it does program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. its very easy. To use the free version program, which is a program to calculate ground total of two parallel resistors, just click
here, fill up the form, even if you want to use unreal name or data, then instead of a passcode, its enough to enter Ciciyan Electronic website address. Yes, just type www.Ciciyan-Electronic.ir as a passcode, then choose parallel resistors from drop down menu in the form, and then submit it. afterward, you are entered to Ciciyan Electronic website online softare to program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. Ciciyan Electronic website online software will show you a serie of Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator keys to press. after pressing last key of every program, on your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator the program has been entered in your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. Then, test and programs runing method, over your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator will be shown to make sure the program entered to your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator correctly. also, a sample equation , or sample values with results will be shown. you must see the same results over your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator.
As you may know, equivalent resistance of two parallel resistors, will be half of one of them, if both are equal. about capacitors, equivalent capacity of two serie capacitors, will be half, if both are equal. also, if resistance of two parallel resistors are not equal, the equiavlent resistance of these two, will be less than lower one. this is true about two seried capacitors too. because equivalent capacity of two seried capacitors, will be less than lower one. so, you can use this free parallel resistors program on your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator for both circuits, two parallel resistors or two seried capacitors. By the way, when you finished entering Ciciyan Electronic website parallel resistors program in your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator , you can easily run and test it with many many different values, equal values or none equal values. Furthermore, Ciciyan Electronic website has made another
online software for users, with no install no register, to ease calculation of equivalent of
two parallel resistors , and make it super easy for you to check if Ciciyan Electronic website program entered to your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, equivalent value calculation, is correct or not. To use it right now, just click
here then enter two values in ohm unit, then press calculate button of the mentioned online software. it will show you precision equivalent of two parallel resistors based on Ω , within less than one second. the result, should be same, over your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator LCD, after programming it according above, through Ciciyan Electronic website parallel resistors program for Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. Manual calculation of equivalent of two parallel resistors or two seried capacitors, will take time if values of these aren't equal. At this point, Ciciyan Electronic website parallel resistors program for Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, and Ciciyan Electronic website online parallel resistors
software , will help alot to save your time, specially at examinations of electric ciruits analysis, electronics, physics, and more sciences in engineerings. Not only Ciciyan Electronic website has made this
parallel resistors calculator program for both Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator and online web base software, also Ciciyan Electronic website made another
online cubic equation solver for the people who purchases Ciciyan Electronic website cubic solver program for their Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. Using this
online cubic equation solver is free for everybody, and it is a resource to compare calculation of Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator cardano cubic solver, versus a solver source, and makes you sure if you have entered our cardano lagrange cubic equation solver program, in your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator correctly. Don't forget Ciciyan Electronic website online softwares like
online parallel resistor calculator and
online cubic equation solver are FREE, no install, no register, no activation process need, and TOTALLY web based softwares, but you got to pay for Ciciyan Electronic website programs which you enter in your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. more Ciciyan Electronic website online softwares are listed
here. Also you can see list of all programs for Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator in Ciciyan Electronic website here in
this page, then purchase all them or some of them as you may need.
How to program Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator to solve parallel resistors or seried capacitors
To ease programming process of useful nice calculator, the Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, Ciciyan Electronic website has made many complicated web base softwares, to make it as simple as a computer video game, to program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. All Casio fx-4500PA calculator's programs are implemented in this
online software. They are all available and on your access, here in
this page. This Ciciyan Electronic website
online software, will make ALL users able to program their own Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator with their hands, very fast, very easy, out of mistakes and out of bugs. It runs on all devices including cell phones, tablets, PDA's, laptops and personal computers. the only thing you need to check, its your browser, and take sure if it shows Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator keys on the screen or not. if you saw Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator keys at the top of this page, it means you will have no problem running Ciciyan Electronic website
online software to program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator.
So, start program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator right know, by entering Ciciyan Electronic website parallel resistors calculator program, which is a free sample program, offered here. This parallel resistors program, will show you how Ciciyan Electronic website programs for Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator goes in your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator and how they works. All other programs for Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator works similar. Ciciyan Electronic website offers this prarllel resistors for free, but if you need all programs for your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator or some of them, you would purchase them according to explains above, to get a passcode for them to use. To enter Ciciyan Electronic website parallel resistors program in your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator its enough to use Ciciyan Electronic website website address, which is www.ciciyan-electronic.ir, but no matter if you use capital alphabets , it will work with WWW.CICIYAN-ELECTRONIC.IR too. As last point to remind, DO NOT use back key of your browser during program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, if you need to get back to the previous key of program, durring programming Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator or previous stage of programming Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, just use back button inside Ciciyan Electronic website
online software, otherwise, you may encounter some errors over
online software or miss some parts of program then fail to program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator.
After entering all steps of the parallel resistor calculator program, in Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, Ciciyan Electronic website
online software, will lead you to load parallel resistor program , then leads you to test it by calculation of sample values related to two resistors based on Ω unit. To load every program entered in Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, you must press
key over your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, name of the program will display on LCD, to run your target program over Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, you should press
key of your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, program will run and will ask input values of the program, in this case, resistance of R1 and R2 , by Ω unit. By defining every resistor's Ω , press
to load value in Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator's memory. If everything to be OK and you had not any mistakes durring
online software flow, Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator will calculate the ground total of that two parallel resistors within a fraction of second, then shows it to you through its LCD. But if you have missed some keys to press durring
online software flow, or misstype some things, or failed to follow
online software steps correctly, you may get wrong results or you may get some syntax errors or match errors over your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator's LCD. Basicly, Ciciyan Electronic website online programmer software is designed to provide best performance and prevents useres to make mistake durring entering programs in Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, and lowers human errors and misstypes. So, you wouldn't have problems like syntax errors or match errors and so on, by using
online software to program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. Not only this parallel resistors solver program on your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, can help calculations of two parallel resistors, also works for seried capacitors. Specially when you get a lot of parallel resistors in a exam or engineering issue, like ladder circuits.
By having parallel resistors program on your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, you will be able to solve a long ladder circuit, including 10 to 20 or more components, easily within some couple of seconds, and find the ground total resistance of that ladder in Ω unit. Parallel resistors program is offered FREE in Ciciyan Electronic website, but if you need other programs to program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, you can purchase all or some of them here
from Ciciyan Electronic website. They are pretty cheap, useful, fast, with no need to install, register or user account.
To purchase programs of Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, you would pay amount of money to most near exchange center in your area, to transfer money to Ciciyan Electronic website according to the programs you purchase. Ciciyan Electronic website bank account and payment methodes are explained here. after pay, you can contact Ciciyan Electronic website by the ways mentioned in
this page. Ciciyan Electronic website answers all emails and calls, at the first opportunity, with a appropriate reply. We will answer the questions as soon as possible too. Ciciyan Electronic website has made a frequently asked questions page, including many questions with answers, here in
this page, no need to a account to read them, no need to register, and totally free. If you got a question about Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator or program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator, you can have a look
here to find anwer. If you can not find answer of your question, send question to Ciciyan Electronic website. Let us informed through an email, message or call, in case of payment for Ciciyan Electronic website programs for Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator. Ciciyan Electronic website gives you a pass code to enter online software to program your Casio fx-4500PA scientific calculator within 24 to 48 hours after your purchase, usually. Please be patience, after informing Ciciyan Electronic website about your purchase. Ciciyan Electronic website sends pass code to you at the first opportunity.