This is how you can contact with Ciciyan Electronic website for support, asking questions, reporting a bug, send feedback, informing Ciciyan Electronic about your purchase and transactions to get your own pass code for online softwares, order a motherboard, hardware or PCB to start design by Ciciyan Electronic website. Ciciyan Electronic works about 24/7 except midnights. but you can send Emails regaurdless of time. we will answer it at the first opportunity.

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PCB Design
Electric Forklift
Human PIR Detector Circuit
Temperature Control
Fan Speed Reducer
Casio Calculator Programs
Electronic circuit's calculator
AC motor control
Powers and Chargers
Low Consumption Bulbs Repair
Contact Ciciyan Electronic

Contact with Ciciyan Electronic

You can get in touch with Ciciyan Electronic website, by below methods :



Answer of your Emails, will be sent to you, at the first opportunity. be patience please.


Ciciyan Electronic website is ready to accept your PCB design orders, motherboard PCB orders, web design or online software design orders. You can call Ciciyan Electronic through mentioned methods, to get your pass code for Casio fx-4500PA programming online software, after your payment is done. You can send Ciciyan Electronic website, your transaction receipt through an email and explain about it, then pass code to use online software for programming your fx-4500PA, will be sent at your email, as fast as possible, when bank or the exchange centers acknowledges your payment. also you can call for your questions, bug report, online software problems including wrong pass code message, forgotten pass codes and recover them, and so on. Emails will be answered at the first opportunity. Please be patience to get your Email answer. If you are hurry in some how, you can call through phone numbers, or Skype as suggested above. Currently, Ciciyan Electronic local time and date is : Tuesday 18 February 2025 , 07:33:12 AM

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